Friday, April 11, 2014

Limbo Lull

Not much to report except that I am NOT cut out for limbo! It is incredibly difficult for me to make a decision to do something and then wait, and wait, and wait to actually make it happen. It's sort of like that feeling you have when you've decided to leave a job and given notice, but you still have that dreaded two weeks to get through!

Add to that the fact we are living in our house with basically our desks, our bedroom, and kitchen because we've sold or given away most of our belongings and you get the idea. I had no idea how much impact my immediate environment has on me - very humbling to struggle like this with something that I would have considered very superficial. What a growth opportunity!

It's also been tough because of all that has to get done to be ready to go - from a heavy volume of client work, changing contact information for everything, emptying the house, and organizing our lives to be run from abroad. There's good news to report on that front - we are hiring a part time office manager to run things from Sacramento while we travel, so that should help our level of concern and stress while we're away.

We are also filing our taxes for our first full year as a business and wow, it's humbling to see all that we accomplished - quite honestly beyond my wildest dreams. I wrote an article about how much I will actually enjoying writing a large check to the IRS.

So on all fronts, it all seems to be coming together....just way more slowly than this girl would prefer. I am a firm believer though that it all happens in the time that it should. With the extra couple of months we had more opportunity to spend time with family and friends, develop new professional relationships, and set a great foundation for our journey.

I am sooo looking forward to posting more exciting stuff once we get on the road in early May!