Thursday, January 1, 2015

Catching Up and New Blog Focus

Yes, I have been seriously sucking as a blogger. Last post in November...seriously Trini?

So, here's the deal. Yes, busy, and all that. But really, it's hard. Starting the blog was easy - we're going to Guatemala!! Then keeping it going..we're planning a huge life change...we did's how it is living here...and now...well, now it's just real life. It's not the life we had before, not by a long shot, but we still work, we still shop for groceries (though they are more fresh and cheaper here!) and we still have to change the cat box. Living here is no longer a curisosity, it is our life.

Point is, the focus of this blog needs to change and I am drawing on my 2015 New Years Resolutions for inspiration.

On my FB page today, I posted publicly (in an attempt to hold myself accountable to that voice that will chastise me with threats that people will know I am not living up to them if I post them, suspending all common sense belief that people have their own lives to worry about.)

Here they are -
In 2015, I strive to do these four things each day:

- physical activity for at least 30 minutes
- learn or practice some Spanish for at least 30 minutes
- write for 30 minutes
- let someone know they matter

Each day, I will post updates to my goals, hopefully in a way that also creatively describes life in Anitgua and Atitlan, Guatemala. I'm a girl that likes challenges.

Speaking of challenges, I did promise a "catch-up" in the title, so here's what I've been doing since November:
  • Filmed House Hunters International in Lake Atitlan. No, we don't know when it will air yet but we think it might be after May 
  • Wrote some articles for a local paper, Lake Atitlan News
  • Had a great Thanksgiving with mostly Canadian friends
  • Met a lot of friends and attended lots of get togethers
  • Found out we didnt have to leave the country with our car for 90 days
  • Moved to Antigua 
  • Met some more great people there, attended and hosted some more get togethers
  • Missed our family and friends over the holidays


So, back to the resolutions. We're off to a good start. I woke up, made some coffee, snuck up to our rooftop patio and settled in the sun for a little Duolingo practice. #2 done. New word for the day - ceiling....el techo!

Mind warmed up for the day, I set out on a litter....and turned on "Map my Hike" to start tracking daily walks. A couple blocks into the walk I complimented myself on my choice of clothing - shorts, tank and light jacket - despite how chilly my house was. Fact is, our house, that we had two days to find, is COLD. It sits on a hillside bordering Antigua and gets almost no direct light. The back of the house, most importantly, the master bedroom, gets no sun and does great job of impersonating a Wisconsin winter. Okay, I've never experienced a Wisconsin Winter, but I bet they're cold and I like alliteration.

I was perfectly dressed to greet another perfect sunshine-packed Antigua day, running from store to store and slowly losing hope that I would come home victorious. It's New Years Day, and the stores that were open were hit hard the past week. No litter for me (or my poor kitties.) The only productive thing about it was...meeting #1 on my resolution list with 2.5 miles in about an hour.

Letting someone know they matter. Did it, not gonna share that here unless it feels right to in the times to come. And the 30 minutes of writing? Well dear ones, nearing that one