Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sometimes Good-bye is a Gift

It was about two years ago that I made one of the most painful decisions of my life, to walk away from my dream job and the place I thought I would retire. Those of you who know me from those days may be surprised to see me describe it that way, but it absolutely was.

There is something uniquely satisfying about a job that requires EVERYTHING you've got...each talent, each learned skill and all the creativity, passion and patience I could muster from a 20-year career. And to be able to channel all of that not to make some corporation more money, but pour it back into the community you consider home is special. It may be the only time I ever have it.

I truly love the people I worked with. Most saw their role as more of a mission than a job and we inspired each other to work insanely hard for a community that has a lot of needs - and so many strengths.

Most of the people in my professional life thought I was crazy to leave the private sector and go to work for schools in 2006. But I followed my gut and I did the same thing in August 2012 when I knew I had to leave.

It was embarrassing to me at the time to admit how much it hurt to leave and how angry I was over what was happening. I've been through a lot of tough stuff in life, and your heart is not supposed to break over a job. If the people I worked closest with hadn't been threatened by the leadership at the time, I'm not sure I would have had the courage to go.

I'm so grateful for the support of so many people during that period in my life, but especially my husband. It was one of those life-defining times where it could go either way and thanks to Ken I didn't get stuck in the bitter, angry muck. He simply refused to allow me to see myself as a victim.

Today we are living a life I could never have imagined. Our own company where I get to do what I love for clients who need and appreciate in a foreign country on a beautiful lake surrounded by volcanos. I am almost afraid to enjoy it too much.

I wish I could say we got here because we smartly figured exactly how it would all come together, but it wasn't a grand plan - it was the result of choices

A thousand little moments where I decided to move forward, to forgive, to stay positive and to accept life, even when it didn't seem like what was happening was good. It is fighting to keep an open mind and heart in a world that doesn't always seem fair or kind.

In a twist of irony I see now that this incredible adventure would not have been possible without the intensely negative experiences that forced me to change direction. It also would not have been possible if I stayed angry and focused on how unfair it was.

Winston Churchill once said, "If you're going through hell, keep going." I couldn't agree more.

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